아트비앤(artbn)은 독창성, 선두, 시작의 의미를 담고 있습니다.
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체계적인 아트 마케팅 프로그램을 통해 작품의 예술성을 바탕으로 예술의 고유한 가치를 브랜드화하여 개인 및 기업에게 국내외 수준 높은 미술 작품을 소개합니다. 세계의 미술동향에 대해 전문적으로 분석, 고객이 원하는 문화욕구 및 투자분석 등을 고려한 고객의 취향에 맞는 문화 포트폴리오 (Art & Cultural Portfolio)를 제공하며, 갤러리의 아트 어드바이저 서비스(art advisor service)에 이르는 사업을 진행하고 있습니다.
Founded in 2007 artbn is a contemporary art project and management group. Based on all for arts, we are pursuing diversity and differentiation represented in the global era of the 21st century, and are carrying out art projects based on cultural and artistic sensitivity.
artbn contains the meaning of creativity, originality, and beginning.
In 2015 we've opened a new space in the center of the art hub area, Samcheong-dong in Seoul. It is a major area where tradition and modern coexist well, and culture and art consumption are actively developed due to a well-developed floating population and the surrounding the commercial area.
We present a wide array of art projects and exhibitions by artists in many disciplines. Our mission is to promote contemporary art cross-culturally for private and public sectors alike. We also actively encourage a setting to collaborate with other independent curators, galleries, museums, private institutions, and corporate groups.
Jerome Boutterin
2015, oil on canvas, 89x116cm
2015 oil on canvas, 162x130cm
2015 oil on canvas, 162x130cm
2015, oil on canvas, 89x116cm
After a monochrome series painting, recents works of Jérôme Boutterin seems to revisit the question of gesture in abstract painting. The new series presented in Gallery artbn opposit two different gestures. The first is concentrated and retained which makes a complex surface where we can see all the colors mixed. The second is trace diluted and light which is extracted from this surface and often draw a primitive geometry. It contrasts with the shape informal of the first gesture.
" I want to insist on this event of beginning, an introduction, there is nor a first, second or third chapter to follow. No development to reflect upon. To stay in the moment where things just begin. No preoccupation of what could come next…A collection of paint blemishes, that look like left overs on an artists palette. A place where the colours start to mix and become one, and we think to ourselves. This is great, I can stop here, I can reflect upon this small fragment of a surface. It’s enough.
But, it’s still not quite enough, it’s still not quite there yet. To use this accumulation of multicoloured marks, to use this concentrated state of painterly matter, as if it was a reservoir. To allow its body of paint two or three escape routes. Lightweight, airy these escape routes are alternative beginnings. Something could take place, but this time from a different starting point. The first attempts of a line, the start of a drawing.
Now is possible to escape from this concentrated state of surface using the least material. For this sanctuary of paint it expands to be self-sufficient that utilize its own matter, and become thinner and thinner as the line advances until it dissolves. hat comes away or maybe what returns is within the lines, always the lines. Straight, curved, determined or hesitant. It’s the start of a drawing. owever, this is only a beginning.
This smear. It isn’t really a smear. It is a condensed state of paint that is a deep well of possibilities. t is the origin of the drawing. The lines are extracted from its body. To invert the process: the drawing after the painting. "
-- Note of Artist 2015
Translation, Galina Munroe.
2015 Changer d'air-Jérôme Boutterin, Gallery artbn, Seoul Korea
« Peintures », Christophe Pillet invit Jérôme Boutterin.
2014 Jérôme Boutterin, galerie Uhn,Kônigstein, Germany.
2012 Peintures, Galerie Djeziri-Bonn-Linard editions.
Brûler sa maison, Domaine de Kerguéhennec, Bignan.
Collection printemps-été, Eric Linard galerie,La Garde Adhemar.
2011 Depuis quand les choses sont-elles négociables? Ecole d'art et de design de Valence.
Si j'avais un inconscient, je le saurais. Hôtel Elysées Mermoz.
2009 Trop d'effets, with Michel Guillet, Ecole Supérieure des Beaux-Arts d'Angers.
Aus der la Main, Galerie Andrieu, Berlin.
2008 Visions, Le 19 CAC de Montbéliard, Musée Baron Martin, Gray.
Cooul, Galerie Villa des Tourelles, Nanterre.
2007 après / avant, curated by Rose Burlingham Contemporary Watercolor, New York, USA
Fondation Colas, Paris.
2006 New Work, Rose Burlingham Contemporary Watercolor, New-York, USA
2005 Paintings and works on paper, Bruno Marina Gallery, New-York, USA.
2004 Galerie Bernard Jordan, Paris
2002 Malerei, Taché-Lévy Gallery, Bruxelles, Belgique.
2001 un peu de temps pur, with Marian Breedveld, Trafic, Frac de Haute-Normandie, Sotteville-les-Rouen.
Abbaye Saint-André, Centre d’art contemporain, Meymac.
Galerie municipale, Vitry-sur-Seine.
Ecole municipale d’arts plastiques, Châtellerault.
2000 l’H du Siège, Valenciennes.
Galerie Bernard Jordan, Paris.
1999 Espace d’Art Contemporain, Paris.
1994 les absences du modeleur, Galerie de l'Ecole. Villa Arson, Nice. Galerie Romagny, Paris.
entre chien et loup, Galerie des Cyprés. Villa Arson, Nice.
2015 « Painting container », Gyeonggi Creation Center, Koréa.
« Couleurs abstraites », FRAC Haute Normandie, Abbaye de Granville.
« Cherchez le garçon » , MACVAL, Musée d’art contemporain du Val de Marne.
« the office o gravitational document / fax », galerie Laurent Mueller, Paris.
2014 Tome 2, Centre d’art CJ Art Studio, Gheongju, Artside gallery, UM gallery, Séoul.
Tome 2, galerie Brun-Léglise, Paris.
2013 De leur temps (4), Regards croisés sur la jeune création,
le hangar à bananes, Musée des Beaux-arts de Nantes / ADIAF.
and more has been participated in numerous group shows from 1994-2012.
Allocation de recherche et de séjour en France ou à l’étranger, CNAP. (2006)
Aide individuelle à la création. DRAC Ile de France. (1999 et 2003)
Villa Arson, Centre National des Arts Plastiques, Nice. (1993 et 1994)
FRAC, Fonds Régional d’Art contemporain Ile-de-France, Paris.
FRAC, Fonds Régional d’Art contemporain Haute-Normandie, Rouen.
FMAC, Fonds Municipal d’Art Contemporain de la Ville de Paris.
FNAC, Fonds National d’Art Contemporain, France.
Collection d’art contemporain de la Ville de Vitry-sur-Seine.
Städtische Galerie Waldkraiburg, Allemagne.
CFCE, Centre Français du Commerce Extérieur, Paris.
Artothèques : Angers, Nantes [LE RING], Angoulême [ACAPA].
Collection du Domaine de Kerguéhennec, Morbihan.
France, Allemagne, Italie, Etats-Unis, Asie.